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Customs services



As of today, our company is ready to offer you the complete set of services on customs registration of consignments coming by sea and by land, through any of freight terminals of Saint Petersburg, Vladivostok and Novorossiysk.

  • declaring of goods and means of transportation;

  • submission to customs house of documents and additional data necessary for customs purposes;

  • presentation of declared goods and means of transportation;

  • ensuring proper customs payments and other payments stipulated by Customs code of the Russian Federation regarding declared goods and means of transportation;

  • other activities necessary for customs registration and customs control, as an entity having powers concerning declared goods and means of transportation.

The task of "Мivitrans" Company is to help clients achieve success and optimize their costs. Employees of our company will help you make customs registration of your consignments and means of transportation properly and fast in Saint Petersburg, Vladivostok and Novorossiysk.







Exchange rates 18 February